Saturday, June 6, 2009

wtf? are you serious? (mobile phone uploaded edition)

Ever since I could remember, I have been fascinated by time and its ethereal movement. Although it is a manmade marvel, every historical context has been based around the facet of a timeline. Growing up, I've always tried to make the most of my "time" here on earth. Every day I try and strategically schedule the day's, week's and/or year's timeline. This may sound exaggerated but it really isn't. This is the reason I try and do as many things as possible at once. Work part time, go to school full time, jam in as many bands as possible, take part in two internships and not to mention the full time job of trying to keep the girlfriend happy. I'm not trying to brag, I'm merely trying to transition to my next point; timelapse.

Why is it that as one gets older, time seems to swiftly fly passed us? It seems like yesterday that I was walking to school in the 3rd grade or being trash canned in the 9th. Personally, I don't like it. School days used to seem like eternity when in reality they were just 6 hour days. 8 hour work days on the other hand seem to fly by now, I catch myself staring at the clock just to gain a sense of realism in my work day. I want time to feel real again. The hindu religion believes time to be moving in a circular fashion with events spinning around instead of the psuedo-american belief that time moves in a linear movement. Think back to your life and think about how little has truly changed. You still have a lot of the same friends for example and if you don't, you have friends with similar personalities that simply replace the old friends in your lives. As much as things change, they really stay the same. Is this a depressing or uplifting thought? Are we forever stuck in the same routine or is there a way to break free? Revolt with me, take me far away from here.

I have to get back to work and my thumbs hurt. Later days.

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