Saturday, June 6, 2009


After I got off work just now, I was driving down Eastern heading north when I hit the red light after the 215 bridge. As the light turns green, I hear a motorcycle behind me, as I turn left I see a Harley going about 75 miles an hour, blazing past me. He hits the median and flies about 20 feet in the air! His bike has sparks coming out of it and they are propelled about one hundred feet forward. A pickup truck almost hits the guy as he slides across the road and traffic comes to a complete stop. I look to my right and a guy in his car just stares at me and shrugs, everyone figures this guy to be dead as we all saw him ragdoll across the pavement.

Unexplicably, this guy stands up and swaggers over to a car that has parked on the opposite side of the road. He looks like he just broke every bone in his body. I call 911 an report a medical emergency, they ask me if he was wearing a helmet yada yada.

WTF!? How insane is that? It was painful watching this incident and I can only imagine the immense amount of pain this man must be feeling right now. So to all my friends, please slow down and be careful, life is too short.


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