Monday, June 29, 2009

I feel as though I'm slowly fading. My internal organs are failing and my spine feels like its about to snap. Is this what Superman felt like when Doomsday came to Earth Prime?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

WTF?! Are you Serious?! (Season 1, Episode 9)

What do you think the future will look like?

We both know that it is not going to look like the Jetsons, or George Orwell's 1984. What do you think it will be like? Personally, I think it'll look almost identical to our current state. We will still be driving grounded cars with smoother edges that are more eco-friendly that (hopefully) run on electicity, or oxygen. Movies will be the same, maybe a bit more "interactive" with the internet paving the way for more interaction between filmmakers and audiences. This has been proven with the recent BD Live event that I was able to witness with director Chris Nolan. Food will be the same, probably more organics at a cheaper price. Video games, I feel, will have the most leap. Currently, we are restricted by the limits of our television and consoles. In the future, I feel virtual reality will most certainly make a comeback. I mean, what happened? In the 90s we had all kinds of advances with VR. The virtual boy, Nintendo's virtual game boy came out in the early 90s, albeit to horrible reviews and a slot in the hall of shame, but it was an advancement. I think VR is similar to the touch screen personally. Think about it, in the late 80s, there were tons of touch screen devices being made. Cashiers were the first to experience it because almost every cash register was touch screen. If you go into a McDonalds or Taco Bell, you're almost guaranteed to see a touch screen register from the late 80s/early 90s. Heck, even at the hospital I use an IBM touch screen register that has to be from at least 1988. Now, there was about ten years where we didn't hear squat about touch screen anything, and then Apple surprised everyone with the iPhone and now that's all anyone talks about anymore is touchscreen everything. Touch screen phones, touch screen cameras, touch screen porn........what? I didn't say anything. Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is; where is the virtual reality? You can't say there's no market for it because I din't know a single person that doesn't want to live a video game. Imagine putting on the VR headgear (glasses? helmet? How would that work?) and being inside of an action game. That would be the epic win sauce of the century. Now, incorporate the other senses such as smell and you would make billions. There's a ride at Disneyland, the circular building in Tomorrowland, that has a room in which you are able to travel to the beach. You sit on a couch and you can smell the beach and feel the beach and hear the beach and see the beach, you are at the beach. There's another one with snow, it's outstanding. This is VR. Why can't this be implemented into other fashions? TV would be killer with this add on. I would give my left nut to be in Star Wars or G.I. Jane. Alright, maybe just Star Wars. ANd you know what? Where's my food pills too? I thought those were promised in the 50s, a full course meal in a tablet. Man, the baby boomer generation got it all wrong, no nuclear war and no flying cars.

wtf? are you serious? (mobile phone uploaded edition)

Ever since I could remember, I have been fascinated by time and its ethereal movement. Although it is a manmade marvel, every historical context has been based around the facet of a timeline. Growing up, I've always tried to make the most of my "time" here on earth. Every day I try and strategically schedule the day's, week's and/or year's timeline. This may sound exaggerated but it really isn't. This is the reason I try and do as many things as possible at once. Work part time, go to school full time, jam in as many bands as possible, take part in two internships and not to mention the full time job of trying to keep the girlfriend happy. I'm not trying to brag, I'm merely trying to transition to my next point; timelapse.

Why is it that as one gets older, time seems to swiftly fly passed us? It seems like yesterday that I was walking to school in the 3rd grade or being trash canned in the 9th. Personally, I don't like it. School days used to seem like eternity when in reality they were just 6 hour days. 8 hour work days on the other hand seem to fly by now, I catch myself staring at the clock just to gain a sense of realism in my work day. I want time to feel real again. The hindu religion believes time to be moving in a circular fashion with events spinning around instead of the psuedo-american belief that time moves in a linear movement. Think back to your life and think about how little has truly changed. You still have a lot of the same friends for example and if you don't, you have friends with similar personalities that simply replace the old friends in your lives. As much as things change, they really stay the same. Is this a depressing or uplifting thought? Are we forever stuck in the same routine or is there a way to break free? Revolt with me, take me far away from here.

I have to get back to work and my thumbs hurt. Later days.

wtf? are you serious? (mobile phone uploaded edition)

Ever since I could remember, I have been fascinated by time and its ethereal movement. Although it is a manmade marvel, every historical context has been based around the facet of a timeline. Growing up, I've always tried to make the most of my "time" here on earth. Every day I try and strategically schedule the day's, week's and/or year's timeline. This may sound exaggerated but it really isn't. This is the reason I try and do as many things as possible at once. Work part time, go to school full time, jam in as many bands as possible, take part in two internships and not to mention the full time job of trying to keep the girlfriend happy. I'm not trying to brag, I'm merely trying to transition to my next point; timelapse.

Why is it that as one gets older, time seems to swiftly fly passed us? It seems like yesterday that I was walking to school in the 3rd grade or being trash canned in the 9th. Personally, I don't like it. School days used to seem like eternity when in reality they were just 6 hour days. 8 hour work days on the other hand seem to fly by now, I catch myself staring at the clock just to gain a sense of realism in my work day. I want time to feel real again. The hindu religion believes time to be moving in a circular fashion with events spinning around instead of the psuedo-american belief that time moves in a linear movement. Think back to your life and think about how little has truly changed. You still have a lot of the same friends for example and if you don't, you have friends with similar personalities that simply replace the old friends in your lives. As much as things change, they really stay the same. Is this a depressing or uplifting thought? Are we forever stuck in the same routine or is there a way to break free? Revolt with me, take me far away from here.

I have to get back to work and my thumbs hurt. Later days.


After I got off work just now, I was driving down Eastern heading north when I hit the red light after the 215 bridge. As the light turns green, I hear a motorcycle behind me, as I turn left I see a Harley going about 75 miles an hour, blazing past me. He hits the median and flies about 20 feet in the air! His bike has sparks coming out of it and they are propelled about one hundred feet forward. A pickup truck almost hits the guy as he slides across the road and traffic comes to a complete stop. I look to my right and a guy in his car just stares at me and shrugs, everyone figures this guy to be dead as we all saw him ragdoll across the pavement.

Unexplicably, this guy stands up and swaggers over to a car that has parked on the opposite side of the road. He looks like he just broke every bone in his body. I call 911 an report a medical emergency, they ask me if he was wearing a helmet yada yada.

WTF!? How insane is that? It was painful watching this incident and I can only imagine the immense amount of pain this man must be feeling right now. So to all my friends, please slow down and be careful, life is too short.


WTF?! Are You Serious?! (Season 1. Episode 6)

My brother is either the most brilliant music critic of the past thirty years, or the most retarded third grade graduate of Nate Mack Elementary School, I can't decide.

My family has been partially obsessed with a website called Sims On Stage. It's a site where individuals sing karoake to popular songs, and the computer records and it and one is apt to relive the humilation forever through the website. Furthermore, other people from across the country watch the videos, or listen to the audio, and score your performance. It's like an online karaoke bar, minus the hairy biker dudes and drunk lesbians.

Anyhow, last night my brother said something either completely enlightening or utterly moronic and I'm stuck deciding which one. While putting up Halloween decorations last night, my brother said, "I feel bad for the people that made those bad songs on Sims." I asked, "Like which ones?" And he replied with the lyrics, "Girl with kaleidoscope eyes." I just stared looking at him dumbfounded and sang the rest of the tune and he said, "Yeah, that one."

My brother, 4 foot in stature, stood looking at me, while I stood looking at him. And I asked him, "You think Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds by the Beatles is a bad song?" And he said, "Yes." I laughed and told my dad and my brother was just standing there confused.

So, after some detective work, I realized that the version that I sang on, is the version that my brother thought was professionally recorded by the Beatles in 1967. I recorded this version as a joke, and have indirectly ruined the Beatles for my brother for his entire lifetime. Here it is:

Record a Karaoke song at The Sims™ On Stage!
Choose a song from Rock, Pop, Country, Hip-Hop,
'80s, or All Genres.

Rate this performance at The Sims On Stage

So, is my brother so advanced that he can see something horrible in the Beatles that the rest of us simply cannot or is he strictly horrified by my rendition and can now never reach the level that the rest of us are at with the Beatles? Either way, my brother is now at a point regarding the most influential rock band of all time that nobody else can reach. He is forever indifferent to the Beatles.

editor's note: has since been taken down and my recording has now been deleted.

Currently playing:
Grand Theft Auto IV
Release date: 2008-04-29