Monday, June 29, 2009

I feel as though I'm slowly fading. My internal organs are failing and my spine feels like its about to snap. Is this what Superman felt like when Doomsday came to Earth Prime?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

WTF?! Are you Serious?! (Season 1, Episode 9)

What do you think the future will look like?

We both know that it is not going to look like the Jetsons, or George Orwell's 1984. What do you think it will be like? Personally, I think it'll look almost identical to our current state. We will still be driving grounded cars with smoother edges that are more eco-friendly that (hopefully) run on electicity, or oxygen. Movies will be the same, maybe a bit more "interactive" with the internet paving the way for more interaction between filmmakers and audiences. This has been proven with the recent BD Live event that I was able to witness with director Chris Nolan. Food will be the same, probably more organics at a cheaper price. Video games, I feel, will have the most leap. Currently, we are restricted by the limits of our television and consoles. In the future, I feel virtual reality will most certainly make a comeback. I mean, what happened? In the 90s we had all kinds of advances with VR. The virtual boy, Nintendo's virtual game boy came out in the early 90s, albeit to horrible reviews and a slot in the hall of shame, but it was an advancement. I think VR is similar to the touch screen personally. Think about it, in the late 80s, there were tons of touch screen devices being made. Cashiers were the first to experience it because almost every cash register was touch screen. If you go into a McDonalds or Taco Bell, you're almost guaranteed to see a touch screen register from the late 80s/early 90s. Heck, even at the hospital I use an IBM touch screen register that has to be from at least 1988. Now, there was about ten years where we didn't hear squat about touch screen anything, and then Apple surprised everyone with the iPhone and now that's all anyone talks about anymore is touchscreen everything. Touch screen phones, touch screen cameras, touch screen porn........what? I didn't say anything. Anyhow, what I'm trying to say is; where is the virtual reality? You can't say there's no market for it because I din't know a single person that doesn't want to live a video game. Imagine putting on the VR headgear (glasses? helmet? How would that work?) and being inside of an action game. That would be the epic win sauce of the century. Now, incorporate the other senses such as smell and you would make billions. There's a ride at Disneyland, the circular building in Tomorrowland, that has a room in which you are able to travel to the beach. You sit on a couch and you can smell the beach and feel the beach and hear the beach and see the beach, you are at the beach. There's another one with snow, it's outstanding. This is VR. Why can't this be implemented into other fashions? TV would be killer with this add on. I would give my left nut to be in Star Wars or G.I. Jane. Alright, maybe just Star Wars. ANd you know what? Where's my food pills too? I thought those were promised in the 50s, a full course meal in a tablet. Man, the baby boomer generation got it all wrong, no nuclear war and no flying cars.

wtf? are you serious? (mobile phone uploaded edition)

Ever since I could remember, I have been fascinated by time and its ethereal movement. Although it is a manmade marvel, every historical context has been based around the facet of a timeline. Growing up, I've always tried to make the most of my "time" here on earth. Every day I try and strategically schedule the day's, week's and/or year's timeline. This may sound exaggerated but it really isn't. This is the reason I try and do as many things as possible at once. Work part time, go to school full time, jam in as many bands as possible, take part in two internships and not to mention the full time job of trying to keep the girlfriend happy. I'm not trying to brag, I'm merely trying to transition to my next point; timelapse.

Why is it that as one gets older, time seems to swiftly fly passed us? It seems like yesterday that I was walking to school in the 3rd grade or being trash canned in the 9th. Personally, I don't like it. School days used to seem like eternity when in reality they were just 6 hour days. 8 hour work days on the other hand seem to fly by now, I catch myself staring at the clock just to gain a sense of realism in my work day. I want time to feel real again. The hindu religion believes time to be moving in a circular fashion with events spinning around instead of the psuedo-american belief that time moves in a linear movement. Think back to your life and think about how little has truly changed. You still have a lot of the same friends for example and if you don't, you have friends with similar personalities that simply replace the old friends in your lives. As much as things change, they really stay the same. Is this a depressing or uplifting thought? Are we forever stuck in the same routine or is there a way to break free? Revolt with me, take me far away from here.

I have to get back to work and my thumbs hurt. Later days.

wtf? are you serious? (mobile phone uploaded edition)

Ever since I could remember, I have been fascinated by time and its ethereal movement. Although it is a manmade marvel, every historical context has been based around the facet of a timeline. Growing up, I've always tried to make the most of my "time" here on earth. Every day I try and strategically schedule the day's, week's and/or year's timeline. This may sound exaggerated but it really isn't. This is the reason I try and do as many things as possible at once. Work part time, go to school full time, jam in as many bands as possible, take part in two internships and not to mention the full time job of trying to keep the girlfriend happy. I'm not trying to brag, I'm merely trying to transition to my next point; timelapse.

Why is it that as one gets older, time seems to swiftly fly passed us? It seems like yesterday that I was walking to school in the 3rd grade or being trash canned in the 9th. Personally, I don't like it. School days used to seem like eternity when in reality they were just 6 hour days. 8 hour work days on the other hand seem to fly by now, I catch myself staring at the clock just to gain a sense of realism in my work day. I want time to feel real again. The hindu religion believes time to be moving in a circular fashion with events spinning around instead of the psuedo-american belief that time moves in a linear movement. Think back to your life and think about how little has truly changed. You still have a lot of the same friends for example and if you don't, you have friends with similar personalities that simply replace the old friends in your lives. As much as things change, they really stay the same. Is this a depressing or uplifting thought? Are we forever stuck in the same routine or is there a way to break free? Revolt with me, take me far away from here.

I have to get back to work and my thumbs hurt. Later days.


After I got off work just now, I was driving down Eastern heading north when I hit the red light after the 215 bridge. As the light turns green, I hear a motorcycle behind me, as I turn left I see a Harley going about 75 miles an hour, blazing past me. He hits the median and flies about 20 feet in the air! His bike has sparks coming out of it and they are propelled about one hundred feet forward. A pickup truck almost hits the guy as he slides across the road and traffic comes to a complete stop. I look to my right and a guy in his car just stares at me and shrugs, everyone figures this guy to be dead as we all saw him ragdoll across the pavement.

Unexplicably, this guy stands up and swaggers over to a car that has parked on the opposite side of the road. He looks like he just broke every bone in his body. I call 911 an report a medical emergency, they ask me if he was wearing a helmet yada yada.

WTF!? How insane is that? It was painful watching this incident and I can only imagine the immense amount of pain this man must be feeling right now. So to all my friends, please slow down and be careful, life is too short.


WTF?! Are You Serious?! (Season 1. Episode 6)

My brother is either the most brilliant music critic of the past thirty years, or the most retarded third grade graduate of Nate Mack Elementary School, I can't decide.

My family has been partially obsessed with a website called Sims On Stage. It's a site where individuals sing karoake to popular songs, and the computer records and it and one is apt to relive the humilation forever through the website. Furthermore, other people from across the country watch the videos, or listen to the audio, and score your performance. It's like an online karaoke bar, minus the hairy biker dudes and drunk lesbians.

Anyhow, last night my brother said something either completely enlightening or utterly moronic and I'm stuck deciding which one. While putting up Halloween decorations last night, my brother said, "I feel bad for the people that made those bad songs on Sims." I asked, "Like which ones?" And he replied with the lyrics, "Girl with kaleidoscope eyes." I just stared looking at him dumbfounded and sang the rest of the tune and he said, "Yeah, that one."

My brother, 4 foot in stature, stood looking at me, while I stood looking at him. And I asked him, "You think Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds by the Beatles is a bad song?" And he said, "Yes." I laughed and told my dad and my brother was just standing there confused.

So, after some detective work, I realized that the version that I sang on, is the version that my brother thought was professionally recorded by the Beatles in 1967. I recorded this version as a joke, and have indirectly ruined the Beatles for my brother for his entire lifetime. Here it is:

Record a Karaoke song at The Sims™ On Stage!
Choose a song from Rock, Pop, Country, Hip-Hop,
'80s, or All Genres.

Rate this performance at The Sims On Stage

So, is my brother so advanced that he can see something horrible in the Beatles that the rest of us simply cannot or is he strictly horrified by my rendition and can now never reach the level that the rest of us are at with the Beatles? Either way, my brother is now at a point regarding the most influential rock band of all time that nobody else can reach. He is forever indifferent to the Beatles.

editor's note: has since been taken down and my recording has now been deleted.

Currently playing:
Grand Theft Auto IV
Release date: 2008-04-29

WTF?! Are You Serious?! (Season 1. Preseason)

I realized now that I never typed an introductory blog to introduce myself and the blogs that I would be writing. This blog will be a direct leeway into the first episode. Enjoy.

Hello. My name is Ryan and these are my blogs.

During this season, I hope that you can gain an insight into my psyche through random rants and excessive nagging, as long as you don't get too annoyed, I'm sure you can find little golden nuggets of truth that you can relate to. Now, I realize that this is a completely egocentric and self interested intro blog, but please trust me when I say that that's not how I want it to come across, I just want you to know where I'm coming from when/if you read any future blogs.

I was born in Henderson, LV in the great year of 1986. I've always been young for my grade, and this was made even more uncomfortable and evident by the fact that I was never able to grow facial hair (in fact, am still not able to as evidenced by the peach fuzz currently residing on my chin and upper lip.)

Growing up, I was surrounded by music in all directions. My dad constantly played vinyl, ranging from Queensryche to Pink Floyd. My unlce would come over after school with his friend Jack when I was three or four years old, with a drumset and guitar, and let me bang on the drums in a primal behavior. This, I feel, is my initial longing towards the drums, and although it took me eight years to finally receive my very own set, my love for music intensified over time. The fourth grade is when I was able to venture into my own style of music, and is when I found the music of Blink-182, Pennywise, Green Day, etc. These pop punk bands, although comprised of adults, were geared towards the youth through their lyrics and high energy music. Dude Ranch and Dookie soon became my favorite albums and are still on heavy rotation on my iTunes library.

Over the years, Blink-182 became commerically successful and in the manner of all anti-establishment pre-teens, it became uncool to like this band (this soon happened to Green Day as well, however, Blink managed to return to their roots more aptly than Green Day. In fact, Green Day has strayed so far from their roots that they are playing arenas with U2 and the biggest preacher in rock history, Bono.) In junior high, I purchased the most influential album of my life, try not to laugh, this album was Chumbawamba's Tubthumping. I

Now, alot of you might be thinking, Chumbawamba? That's the most influential album of your life? You know what, I'm gonna take this one step longer, I am declaring this album as the most perfect album every created in the history of modern music. Have you heard this album? Every song is perfectly constructed by the group of psuedo-anarchist Brits. The music swells and swoops from electronica beats to acoustic strummings. Each song is interrupted by perfectly selected monologues ranging from self constructed anecdotes to movie quotes. If you have this album, please give it a chance and listen to it. It's probably been a good ten years since you've listened to this album, but plop it in your CD player and reminisce on the good times of awkward school dances, and uncomfortable moments in your Greenspun Middle School band when you were the only boy in the flute/oboe class and every one would pick on you for being the only boy, and you hated every second of it because you were unfashionably uncool, no, not the Rivers Cuomo uncool, but the Pete Doherty uncool where nobody can stand you and everybody wants to spit in your eye, the kind of uncool that follows you around for the rest of your adult life..........

Yes, I may have some unresolved issues stemming from my incredibly awkward and unforgiving junior high years, but then again, who doesn't really? The fact that I wore oversized purple Blink-182 shits, read X-Men and Batman comics, and played an oboe didn't help either. Middle School is the period of time in one's life that is completely unneccessary and irradicated. Hormones are raging and nobody feels right in their own skin, there should be a way to completly bypass these years, go straight from fifth grade to the ninth grade. That wouldn't be an awkward transition, right?

Anyhow, this has gone on much too long, so it's time to wrap things up. In essence, my name is Ryan and I hate people that eat with too many manners (the ones that eat with their forks facing downward and they slide their entire mouths over the fork, it's the most pretentious way to eat.) And these are my blogs. Please read the coming blogs, and I hope you made it this far. See ya real soon amigos!

Peace. Love. And Spicy Guacamole Pringles.


P.S. If you don't know what an oboe is, it's a dual reeded instrument played with the same fingerings as an alto saxophone or clarinet.

Currently watching:
A.I. - Artificial Intelligence (Widescreen Two-Disc Special Edition)
Release date: 2002-03-05

WTF?! Are You Serious?! (Season 1. Episode 5)

How do you feel about gun control? Is it an item that makes you feel safer? Many individuals say that they own a gun for protection, protection from what? I assume they mean a burglar, in which he would more than likely have a gun, so in essence, individuals own guns to protect themselves from guns? What a backwards world we're living in when there are items used just for murder, items that serve no other societal purpose, than to kill another human being.

Today at work, there were two guys talking about the guns they own with such pride you could almost smell the sweet testosterone steaming out of them. Lofton the Grill Cook (sitcom character?) was talking about the Luger he owned and his other guns when I asked him why he owned it and he of course said for protection. So, I asked him from who? He just laughed and walked on. Honestly though, who are we protecting ourselves from? Other gun owners? Shouldn't it be like a family? One gun owner shouldn't fear another gun owner, it's like owning a Golden Retreiver and then seeing somone in the park with a Golden Retreiver just like yours and you go, "Hey, nice Golden Retriever" then that person goes, "You too!" Gun owners shouldn't be scared of each other, they should be hanging out together and fishing.
In my opinion, the right wing conservatives are driven by paranoia and this effects the gun laws in this country.

America needs stricter gun control. End of story.

PS. During that conversation, the other guy commented on one of Lofton's guns by saying:

"That thing would blow a hole through you the size of Texas!"

What a stereotypical white trash comment. I love it because that is the essence of a gun owner right there down to his Dale Earnhardt licensed shirt and Bud Light baseball hat. These colors don't run, fool. I bleed red white and blue.

Currently watching:
Family Guy, Vol. 5 (Season 5 Part 1)
Release date: 2007-09-18

WTF?! Are You Serious?! (Season 1. Episode 4)

What is life and what constitutes living?

What differentiates my mass of organs and tissue, and from having a qualitative state of living, from a mass of wood that was once a living organism (tree) and is now a chair that I am sitting on? When does life truly end and start anew? At one point the tree stopped living and became a stationary piece of office furniture that is now stationed a rough 3,000 miles away from the forest it once dwelled in. Does the tree carry it's living qualities unto the chair, or does the premonition of life just leave a tree similarly to a soul? Where does science begin to become inept in explaining the institution of life, and blind faith (whether it's religion or lack of religion) become the explaining factor? Also, what's the difference between blind faith and science anyhow? Those that put their faith in science are basically becoming believers in a blind faith anyhow. Unless you are the actual person to be conducting experiments and conducting research, you are a follower in blind faith, albeit a more explainable blind faith, but nonetheless, a man made faith system.

The way I see it, those that believe in science are the pessimists and those that put their faith in religion are the optimists; and these two factions are at war forever.

I have always been fascinated by the aspect of natural life known as death. I know this sounds like a dark and gothic statement, or something that you might hear in a Tim Burton movie, but it is utterly and completely true. Nobody on this earth knows what happens after we die, and as much as people want to call it a supernatural phenomenon, there is nothing more natural on this earth. Everyday living organisms live and every day living organisms die, from the smallest amoeba to a beluga whale, life ends; and this is fascinating. Where do all of these entities go? The physical form stays here on earth to pollute the environment with smells and decaying carcasses, but is there a spiritual form that carries on somewhere else, or is this just our human nature to personify every aspect of life? Humans tend to attribute their personalities to a different aspect of their physical bodies, in other words, differentiate their brains from the rest of their body. With this in mind, is this where the notion of a "soul" has come from, our dire need to personify everything? If this is true, how can one explain the notion of deja vu without invoking a sense of other worldliness? When one is struck with an intense feeling of deja vu, one is instantly transported to an other world dimension in which that person has the overwhelming feeling of already being in that exact location before, even when they have never been there before. Can this be attributed to dreams? Are dreams a portal into another dimension, a window to other worldliness? When we dream, do we leave our bodies in a spiritual form and transgress to another life we may or may not be living somewhere else? Can our spirits inhabit other physical forms while we lay dormant in our beds? (Reading over this passage, I now realize that I sound like homeless man who has done acid everyday of his pitiful life since returning from Vietnam in the 70s.)

I know this is getting long and nobody has probably even read this far, but another aspect of life that intrigues me is a period I like to refer to as "pre-life." Where do we lay dormant in the years that we are not born into a physical form? For example, before August 7th, 1986 (or the nine months prior rather) where did I exist? Is that the point right there? Do we not exist before the very point of conception? That is hard for me to grasp, thinking scientifically or religiously, because of the fact that thousands of years have passed in one instant my entire life has been created from a sperm entering an egg? I know people can argue that our personalities and self being is molded from a social standpoint and basically, we are all crafted by the society we live in, but still, this is such a strange concept to me. I guess it is just human nature to want to feel infinite too (or I am just an egocentric bastard that is only thinking about where I have been and where I am going.)

The truth is out there, man...I want to believe!


I didn't mean for this to be so long, so if you read it all, I appreciate it.

Currently listening:
New Moon
By Elliott Smith
Release date: 2007-05-08
What if we weren't supposed to discover fire?

WTF?! Are You Serious?! (Season 1, Episode 3)

WTF?! Are You Serious?!

I'm sitting in class right now typing up a paper when a stereotypical nerdy girl sits down by a not so stereotypical nerdy guy. The guy, who is wide and short in stature, introduces himself to the nerdy girl and they begin to hit it off. The girl, who is wearing an elvin-styled headband similar to LOTR, is subtly laughing at the guy's jokes and the guy is doing a deep belly laugh to everything she, and he, is saying...a laugh that is very similar to how I imagine Santa Clause to laugh (or a troll.) Anyhow, somehow the topic of marriage comes up and she states that she is married (-50 HP to Mr. Clause's ego by elven attack.) This critical hit is evidenced by his physical attributes with his eyes lowering and his head drifting down, the elf notices this and states:

"Well I'm married on Wednesday and Thursdays when my husband's home, but the other days, well, it depends on how cute the guy is."

NOW, this is a very bold statement from a chubby elf, but she says it confidently and the male troll replies:

"That's good to know," and smiles contently.

She notices his uplift in attitude and asks if he has a girlfriend in which he (unsurprisingly) replies, "No."

Now here's the punchline, so don't miss it, and please picture this.

They both smile and look down and she says:

"Good to know."

Ok, now, is this a modern day romance story between an elf and a troll that I just witnessed? How would the male elf back home feel about his elven princess flirting with a troll, his utmost nemesis!

For generations elves and trolls have fought for dominance of the forest and these two have just shifted the balance. I just witnessed a live action Romeo and Juliet between two mythological creatures. Their families (and respective species) would never condone their love, but they don't care, they're gonna do it! They're gonna show the world that trolls and elves can live in harmony and darnit, THEY CAN LOVE!

I hope this experience has been as uplifting for you as it has been for me.


Currently listening:
Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too
By New Radicals
Release date: 1998-10-20

Friday, June 5, 2009

WTF?! Are You Serious?! (Season 1. Episode 2)

I am now a part of the "it" generation.

Or as I like to call it, the "I" generation.

What does this mean? It means that I can update my blog, format my iPod, and check on my bank account while sitting on the toilet (I like to call it iDump). It's a wonderful feeling of freedom to know that anywhere I go, I can be in constant communication with the outside world.

Ok, there's a bit of sarcasm there.....

The problem lies in the details of Mass Media Communication. No one disagrees that the internet is a wonderful idea, complete with millions of gigabytes of information right at your fingertips. Nobody disputes the usefulness of cell phones either. These devices allow us to keep constant tabs on one another and keep everybody in constant communication. This, in theory, sounds like a wonderful idea. However, we now face a different problem than any other generation has had to deal with. This problem arises with the thought of privacy, and how much anybody has anymore. Think about it. Everyday we are constantly barraged by countless texts saying anything from; "Hey, how are you? lol :)" to "Where are you? What are you doing right now?" Sure, these sound like nice, thoughtful questions, but what happened to the days that people were able to just fade out for a little bit? People (guys) like to relax for some afternoons and play video games by themselves in their underwear with a bag of Cheetos hanging off their inner thigh, only to be now interrupted by the intrusion of the ringing cellphone. (Ironically, as I type this, my cell phone is now ringing.) (Thanks Aaron, I will check out the band Kiss, Kiss).

I probably sound like an old coot sitting on my porch with a shotgun yelling at kids for their new darned technology, but I miss the old days when I didn't have to worry about having a constant chatter with everybody. As mass communication increases with the inclusion of internet .. phones and iPods, thinner and lighter computers, and video chatting; I feel as though the institution of actual face to face communication has diminished. I can't remember the last time I chose to call somebody when I could just text them, or more embarrassingly send them a Myspace message. I am fearful for the next generation and how much their social skills will lack because of our diminishing social patterns.

That's all I have for now, I'm outtie 9000. Peace.
