Saturday, June 6, 2009

WTF?! Are You Serious?! (Season 1. Preseason)

I realized now that I never typed an introductory blog to introduce myself and the blogs that I would be writing. This blog will be a direct leeway into the first episode. Enjoy.

Hello. My name is Ryan and these are my blogs.

During this season, I hope that you can gain an insight into my psyche through random rants and excessive nagging, as long as you don't get too annoyed, I'm sure you can find little golden nuggets of truth that you can relate to. Now, I realize that this is a completely egocentric and self interested intro blog, but please trust me when I say that that's not how I want it to come across, I just want you to know where I'm coming from when/if you read any future blogs.

I was born in Henderson, LV in the great year of 1986. I've always been young for my grade, and this was made even more uncomfortable and evident by the fact that I was never able to grow facial hair (in fact, am still not able to as evidenced by the peach fuzz currently residing on my chin and upper lip.)

Growing up, I was surrounded by music in all directions. My dad constantly played vinyl, ranging from Queensryche to Pink Floyd. My unlce would come over after school with his friend Jack when I was three or four years old, with a drumset and guitar, and let me bang on the drums in a primal behavior. This, I feel, is my initial longing towards the drums, and although it took me eight years to finally receive my very own set, my love for music intensified over time. The fourth grade is when I was able to venture into my own style of music, and is when I found the music of Blink-182, Pennywise, Green Day, etc. These pop punk bands, although comprised of adults, were geared towards the youth through their lyrics and high energy music. Dude Ranch and Dookie soon became my favorite albums and are still on heavy rotation on my iTunes library.

Over the years, Blink-182 became commerically successful and in the manner of all anti-establishment pre-teens, it became uncool to like this band (this soon happened to Green Day as well, however, Blink managed to return to their roots more aptly than Green Day. In fact, Green Day has strayed so far from their roots that they are playing arenas with U2 and the biggest preacher in rock history, Bono.) In junior high, I purchased the most influential album of my life, try not to laugh, this album was Chumbawamba's Tubthumping. I

Now, alot of you might be thinking, Chumbawamba? That's the most influential album of your life? You know what, I'm gonna take this one step longer, I am declaring this album as the most perfect album every created in the history of modern music. Have you heard this album? Every song is perfectly constructed by the group of psuedo-anarchist Brits. The music swells and swoops from electronica beats to acoustic strummings. Each song is interrupted by perfectly selected monologues ranging from self constructed anecdotes to movie quotes. If you have this album, please give it a chance and listen to it. It's probably been a good ten years since you've listened to this album, but plop it in your CD player and reminisce on the good times of awkward school dances, and uncomfortable moments in your Greenspun Middle School band when you were the only boy in the flute/oboe class and every one would pick on you for being the only boy, and you hated every second of it because you were unfashionably uncool, no, not the Rivers Cuomo uncool, but the Pete Doherty uncool where nobody can stand you and everybody wants to spit in your eye, the kind of uncool that follows you around for the rest of your adult life..........

Yes, I may have some unresolved issues stemming from my incredibly awkward and unforgiving junior high years, but then again, who doesn't really? The fact that I wore oversized purple Blink-182 shits, read X-Men and Batman comics, and played an oboe didn't help either. Middle School is the period of time in one's life that is completely unneccessary and irradicated. Hormones are raging and nobody feels right in their own skin, there should be a way to completly bypass these years, go straight from fifth grade to the ninth grade. That wouldn't be an awkward transition, right?

Anyhow, this has gone on much too long, so it's time to wrap things up. In essence, my name is Ryan and I hate people that eat with too many manners (the ones that eat with their forks facing downward and they slide their entire mouths over the fork, it's the most pretentious way to eat.) And these are my blogs. Please read the coming blogs, and I hope you made it this far. See ya real soon amigos!

Peace. Love. And Spicy Guacamole Pringles.


P.S. If you don't know what an oboe is, it's a dual reeded instrument played with the same fingerings as an alto saxophone or clarinet.

Currently watching:
A.I. - Artificial Intelligence (Widescreen Two-Disc Special Edition)
Release date: 2002-03-05

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