Saturday, June 6, 2009

WTF?! Are You Serious?! (Season 1. Episode 5)

How do you feel about gun control? Is it an item that makes you feel safer? Many individuals say that they own a gun for protection, protection from what? I assume they mean a burglar, in which he would more than likely have a gun, so in essence, individuals own guns to protect themselves from guns? What a backwards world we're living in when there are items used just for murder, items that serve no other societal purpose, than to kill another human being.

Today at work, there were two guys talking about the guns they own with such pride you could almost smell the sweet testosterone steaming out of them. Lofton the Grill Cook (sitcom character?) was talking about the Luger he owned and his other guns when I asked him why he owned it and he of course said for protection. So, I asked him from who? He just laughed and walked on. Honestly though, who are we protecting ourselves from? Other gun owners? Shouldn't it be like a family? One gun owner shouldn't fear another gun owner, it's like owning a Golden Retreiver and then seeing somone in the park with a Golden Retreiver just like yours and you go, "Hey, nice Golden Retriever" then that person goes, "You too!" Gun owners shouldn't be scared of each other, they should be hanging out together and fishing.
In my opinion, the right wing conservatives are driven by paranoia and this effects the gun laws in this country.

America needs stricter gun control. End of story.

PS. During that conversation, the other guy commented on one of Lofton's guns by saying:

"That thing would blow a hole through you the size of Texas!"

What a stereotypical white trash comment. I love it because that is the essence of a gun owner right there down to his Dale Earnhardt licensed shirt and Bud Light baseball hat. These colors don't run, fool. I bleed red white and blue.

Currently watching:
Family Guy, Vol. 5 (Season 5 Part 1)
Release date: 2007-09-18

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